Saturday, December 12

Mrs. Adams class dance at assembly

Last Wednesday afternoon, a group of students from our class got the chance to share a dance they have been working on during their P.E. dance unit with M.J.  Check it out!

In other news, a letter is coming home on Monday sharing about Secret Snowflake acts of kindness.  From Thursday to our final day before vacation, December 23, the students will draw another students name and spend 5 days bestowing them with secret acts of kindness.  The object is to give of ourselves and our talents rather than buying gifts.  On Wednesday afternoon we will reveal ourselves during a mug exchange and enjoy some cocoa and marshmallows together along with some fun games.

Monday, December 7

Land and Water

After Thanksgiving Break we have shifted gears and started our science unit on Land and Water.  How much water does your family use?  Is there a way to reduce that amount?

Sunday, November 15

Veteran's Day!!!!

Maclay and Aspen get ready to head out!

Rainy and dreary but a parade either way.  

Showing off our posters......

Sunday, November 8

November News

Hello Families!
Thank you for coming in to meet during conferences last week.  
November is a busy month and there are some things you should know about.
1)  Veteran's Day Parade- Your children will be part of the Montpelier Veteran's Day parade on Wednesday, November 11 at 10 a.m.  A good vantage point is in front of Kellogg Hubbard Library on Main Street.  Look forward to seeing you there!
2)  The sign up for Thanksgiving Lunch is going home.  If you are interested in joining your student for Thanksgiving lunch and you plan on buying a meal, please send the slip back a.s.a.p. please!
3)  ECO this coming Friday.  We will be going out in the afternoon this day.  Please send your students to school with appropriate clothing.

Tuesday, October 27

4 Winds Fun with Foliage

This week our intrepid 4 Winds parent volunteers, Heidi Groff and Laura Woodard, came in to educate us on the different varieties of leaves that exist.  Our students created some beautiful leaf rubbings and went outside to try out I Spy identifying the different kinds of leaves they learned about.  
Reminder that Parent/ Student/ Teacher conferences are next week on Thursday and Friday, November 5 and 6.  This is a student led conference so make sure your student is with you!  

Thursday, October 15

A Few Important Items to share!!!!

A few things I have not written about but want to make sure you are aware of:
1) Genevieve's Fundraiser forms are due on Friday, October 23.  Please send them in by that time.  The fundraiser is a great way for the Parent Group to raise money that helps our classes get supplies, go on field trips and have other learning opportunities!

2)  Here is a link to a parent coffee hour sponsored by our support staff, Chris Parker and Suzanne Francke!  Take a look and hope you can stop by!  Parent Coffee Hour flyer

Be on the lookout for a letter that went home on October 15 sharing a great website for practicing fact fluency.  Instructions on how to get on as well as a code needed are in the letters your students are bringing home.  Hope this is helpful for all!

Sunday, October 4

Schedule Announcements

Hello all,
Just an update to let you know that our class schedule will be changing up a bit starting Monday, October 5.  Students will be starting up in our FIT groups.  Those who are not in groups this rotation will be staying in the classroom and working on keyboarding skills.

In other news, we do have ECO this coming Friday afternoon.  Weather is getting colder and it is important that the kids are dressing for it, as we go out in most weather conditions.  Please be sure your child is ready with appropriate clothing.  I have additional copies of the clothing list necessary if you need it.

Also, please know that parent chaperones are absolutely welcomed and appreciated at ECO.  Having smaller groups makes for a more manageable focused day!  THANK YOU!

Thursday, October 1

Hello Families!  I wanted to share this video with you all.  Today our fourth grade class got to play an important role in our assembly production of Tacky the Penguin.  They did a beautiful job!  Congratulate your student on their excellent acting skills as mighty penguin hunters.

Monday, September 21

Gone to the Fair!!!

Fun was had by all of the UES fourth graders at the Tunbridge World's Fair last Thursday!  We had a great time enjoying the sunshine and learning about Vermont life.  Ask your student what their favorite part was and what they saw up on Antique Hill!

Open House is happening this Thursday evening (September 24 from 6:15 and 7:15).  Please come by to see what we have been up to!

We start ECO this coming Friday.  Please send back the permission slip that went home this past Friday as soon as you can.  Pay attention to the weather:  ECO happens rain or shine and at this time, Friday's forecast does have some rain.  Raingear and good waterproof rainboots are gear that is helpful for those wet days.  Please contact me if getting ahold of these items is difficult for you so we can make arrangements.

Monday, September 14

Tunbridge, here we come!

We are off to the fair on Thursday.  I wanted to let you all know to make sure to be aware of the weather and dress for it, and remind students (and adults) to wear closed toe shoes as it tends to be muddy and farm-y over by the animals.  If chaperones want to drive themselves, please meet our buses in the parking in order to get the free admission that comes with being part of a school group!  Here is to a fun day at the fair!

Friday, September 4

Getting to know 4th grade

The beginning of the year is off to a good start as we spend time learning about eachother, classroom routines and procedures and exploring what we can do with our math toolkits.  Some of the things we have been up to:  completing our Bio-spheres, creating math biography posters, working with vocabulary and spelling and enjoying independent reading and read aloud.  Ask your child who Donald Zinkoff is this weekend.  
Red homework folders should be coming home this week with our weekly math menu of activities.  You should also find picture information in there along with UES parent group information and upcoming events.  
Enjoy a nice holiday weekend!  

Thursday, August 27

Back to class!

We are back in class and ready for action!  Actually, we are already at it.  One of our back to school projects is working on a bio-sphere.   You can ask your student what that is......

Next Monday we will start to switch classes and go to Mrs. Pierce for Literacy.  In the meantime, we are spending our time learning about classroom routines, getting to know one another and getting acclimated to being the biggest kids at UES!

Tuesday, August 25

As the year begins, it is always great to catch up with old friends and make new as we remember what we did over summer vacation.  Here is a little shot of where I went this summer.  Can you figure out where it was?

Thursday, August 20

My first post!

Welcome to our blog!  My goal is to update at the end of the week to keep families updated on what is going on in our room.

Please note:  I am going to be teaming with Melissa Pierce this year.  She will have my class for Literacy and I will have her class for math.  We will both keep our own homerooms for Writing, Social Studies and Science.  We are so excited to be working together and look forward to building one big community where all of the students are our kids!