Monday, September 21

Gone to the Fair!!!

Fun was had by all of the UES fourth graders at the Tunbridge World's Fair last Thursday!  We had a great time enjoying the sunshine and learning about Vermont life.  Ask your student what their favorite part was and what they saw up on Antique Hill!

Open House is happening this Thursday evening (September 24 from 6:15 and 7:15).  Please come by to see what we have been up to!

We start ECO this coming Friday.  Please send back the permission slip that went home this past Friday as soon as you can.  Pay attention to the weather:  ECO happens rain or shine and at this time, Friday's forecast does have some rain.  Raingear and good waterproof rainboots are gear that is helpful for those wet days.  Please contact me if getting ahold of these items is difficult for you so we can make arrangements.

Monday, September 14

Tunbridge, here we come!

We are off to the fair on Thursday.  I wanted to let you all know to make sure to be aware of the weather and dress for it, and remind students (and adults) to wear closed toe shoes as it tends to be muddy and farm-y over by the animals.  If chaperones want to drive themselves, please meet our buses in the parking in order to get the free admission that comes with being part of a school group!  Here is to a fun day at the fair!

Friday, September 4

Getting to know 4th grade

The beginning of the year is off to a good start as we spend time learning about eachother, classroom routines and procedures and exploring what we can do with our math toolkits.  Some of the things we have been up to:  completing our Bio-spheres, creating math biography posters, working with vocabulary and spelling and enjoying independent reading and read aloud.  Ask your child who Donald Zinkoff is this weekend.  
Red homework folders should be coming home this week with our weekly math menu of activities.  You should also find picture information in there along with UES parent group information and upcoming events.  
Enjoy a nice holiday weekend!