Monday, April 25

Red Sox Dreams Come True!

We are back in action!  I hope all of our families had a wonderful, rejuvenating Spring break.  The kids shared some of the highlights of vacation this first morning back and it sounded like everyone found some fun ways to spend their downtime.

Right before break , Nate Groff got an opportunity of a lifetime down at a Red Sox game.....Here is his story:

So me and my Mom were taking a tour of Fenway.  We went on the field on watched the players warm up then we went to the Green Monster.  It was so cool, players were hitting the balls up!  Then the tour was over.  We had to leave to re-enter for the game.  When we got back we went to the bleachers to catch a ball, we didn’t get one though. So we left and checked out the virtual dugout and these goggle things and head phones, so I got started first. And an employee walked up to my Mom and asked is there your son?  She said “Yes.”  “Would he like to throw the first pitch?”  My Mom said “Really?”  The employee said “Yes.”  So my Mom did the virtual dugout thing then they told me. She said, “My name is Kali,” and to meet her in half an hour at Gate E.
So me and my Mom texted some people then we met Kali at Gate E so we met her there and she took us to the tunnels and a room to rest before the pitch. About an hour later, the organizer put us in a line with some other pre-game people.  Then they took us to the field.They told us not to go on the grass.  A little later on they let me take a picture with the Silver Slugger award.  Then two college girls came over.  They were in Red Sox uniforms and one of them was going to catch for  and the other was going to stand by the mound with me.  They said “Don’t step on the chalk lines or up at bat box.”  Then Wally and I were hanging out.  Later they announced me then me and one of the girls walked up with me and Wally to the mound, the other girl went down to the plate and went into the catcher’s crouch.  I pitched it.  It was a strike.  The crowd cheered.  Then we went to our seats.
Pitching this special ball was the best 20 seconds of my life.  I was nervous and excited.  I never imagined it would be possible for me to ever do anything like this.  This was one of my dreams.  I am very grateful to have had this opportunity.

Nate also got mentioned in the Times Argus for this accomplishment!  Here is his picture below!

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