Sunday, June 12

4th Grade Finales!

Class picture at Rock of Ages

The last couple of weeks have been incredibly busy for our class.  Below is just a sampling of what we have done, but I can guarantee we have ended our year with a lot of laughs and smiles.  From our ECO service in the park, to Shelburne Museum, a dance block party in front of UES and a hike up Mt. Elmore.  Of course in between all of that we squeezed in an incredible 4th Grade Celebration Night as well as sharing some wonderful Vermont projects.  I am incredibly proud of these students and the work they have done.  Thank you for sharing them all with me this year and here's to a great 5th grade year at Main Street Middle School!
Spirit Week with Shane and Steven

Kailey of the Bucket Brigade
Mira and Allie re-mulching trails at Hubbard Park
Hat Day- Amelia

Silly to even put a caption here. View from the tower of all our 4th graders!
Amelia, Rose and Kailey greet their "guest" teacher
as they step back in time at Shelburne Museum

Meala and Autumn making candles

Chay taking a turn at a hoop game

Steven and his grandpa both do this hoop spinning thing quite well!

A particularly bad day for Emma and Alllie

All school dance party!!!

Egg Drop fun....

The BOYZ (Payton, Maclay and Josiah) chillaxin' after a hike up Mt. Elmore

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